Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The colors have different meanings around the world

The colors have different meanings around the world, and if you decide to have a wedding dress color, you should take into account the meaning of the colors. Brides around the world wear collection dresses wedding colors for centuries, the red wedding dress is traditional in India, is the symbol of life, happiness, good luck, while white is the symbol death. In Japan and China the traditional dress of red, gold or green, to bring good luck and harmony to the brides.

There is an old poem about the color you choose will influence its future:''Married in white, have chosen well. Married in gray, go far. Married in black, I want you back. Married in red that you wish yourself dead. Married in blue,cocktail dress always be true. Married in pearl, you will live in a whirlwind. Married in green, ashamed to be seen. Spoiled yellow fellow to shame. Married in brown, goes to live outside the city. Married in pink, your spirit will sink.''The emphasis now is on the individuality and personality of the bride. And you have to select the desired color and the prom dresses  color that best suits you. Whether you choose ivory, champagne, lavender, light blue, pink, purple, red, dark burgundy, royal blue or even black wedding dress, if the Gothic style it represents.


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